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DSC05123 Enhanced NR (1)

The Porter's Store

Behind closed doors, you'll find the secrets of The Porter's Store...

Book a table

Welcome to the OFF-DUTY sanctuary of the hotel world; a place for catching breath and quenching thirst.

Once a spot hidden away from guests, the Porters have opened the doors to warmly invite one and all behind-the-scenes to a time capsule of bygone eras. Discover corners adorned with lost and found curiosities and walls that embrace the secrets of hotel life.

22 03 23 Porter S Store 0098 XT302690 C SH 24 10021 C SH 24 10010 (2)
C SH 24 10011
Thumb (5)
22 03 23 Porter S Store 0127 XT302785 21 12 08 Porter's Store 0097 X1003602 22 03 23 Porter S Store 0013 GFX03116
22 03 23 Porter S Store 0107 XT302725

Opening Hours

At your service for pre-drinks, nightcaps and everything in between

Thursday to Saturday, 5.00pm - 1.00am

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